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Fig. 3 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 3

From: Comparative analysis of volatile fingerprints between different geographical origins and ornamental cultivars of white standard Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum)

Fig. 3

Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) model results classified Korean and non-Korean D. grandiflorum profiles. a OPLS-DA score plot: R2X (0.747), R2Y (0.91), and Q2 (0.849). b Permutation test plot: R2Y-intercept (0.357), Q2-intercept (-0.692). c Variable importance projection (VIP) plot; red represents VIP > 1.0 indicating the most influential metabolites in the OPLS-DA model. d ROC using 41 metabolites of OPLS-DA

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