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Fig. 3 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 3

From: Comparative analysis on root exudate and rhizosphere soil bacterial assembly between tomatoes and peppers infected by Ralstonia

Fig. 3

Bacterial community structure and diversity. A Principal coordinate analysis combined with PERMANOVA displays how compartment, species, and pathogen impact the structure of the bacterial community. The symbols of the triangle and circle represent bulk and rhizosphere, respectively. B Analysis of the beta dispersion based on the bray distance. “ns” represents no significant difference between treatments. “ns” (non-significant); *(P < 0.05); **(P < 0.01); ***(P < 0.001). C The correlation between the first column of PCoA and the relative abundance of Ralstonia. D Shannon diversity of bacterial communities among species, compartments, and plant states. E The correlation between alpha diversity index and the relative abundance of Ralstonia. F The influence of compartment, species, and pathogen on the KO functional categories. The symbols of the triangle and circle represent bulk and rhizosphere, respectively. PHB bulk of healthy pepper, PHR rhizosphere of healthy pepper, PDB bulk of diseased pepper, PDR rhizosphere of diseased pepper, THB bulk of healthy tomato, THR rhizosphere of healthy tomato, TDB bulk of diseased tomato, TDR rhizosphere of diseased tomato

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