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Table 4 Main changes in the forest code [11],[12]

From: The Brazilian wood biomass supply and utilization focusing on eucalypt

Old forest code

New forest code

Hill is characterized by the minimum high of 50 m and the minimum inclination of 17°

Hill is characterized by the minimum high of 100 m and the average inclination bigger than 25°

Area of legal reserve in the biomes Amazon, ‘Cerrado’, and the other biomes correspond to 80%, 35%, and 20% of the property, respectively

The areas of legal reserve are kept as before, except in the states that have 50% or more areas preserved; in this case, the requirement of legal reserve is reduced up to half in relation to the old forest code. There is an exemption from the area of legal reserve for small properties.

Areas of permanent preservation, such as river margins, hilltops, hillsides, etc., cannot be deforested.

The new code authorizes the use of areas of permanent preservation for some types of cultivation. It allows agriculture in hillsides with slopes of up to 45° and activities agrosilvopastoral in the river margins that started up to 2008

The strip of riparian forest for rivers with up to 10 m of width should be 30 m

The strip of riparian forest for rivers with up to 10 m of width should be 15 m