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Table 3 Effect of soil depth on total SOC, bulk density, coarse fragment, and SOC stock (Mean ± SEM)

From: Exclosures backed up with community-based soil and water conservation practices increased soil organic carbon stock and microbial biomass carbon distribution, in the northern highlands of Ethiopia

Soil parameters

Depths (cm)

0–15 cm

15–30 cm

Organic carbon (%)

2.8 ± 0.1a

2.2 ± 0.1b

Bulk density (kg m−3)

1244 ± 23a

1258 ± 25a

Coarse fragment (%)

55 ± 1.0a

52 ± 2.0a

Soil carbon stock (Mg ha−1)

24 ± 1.0a

20 ± 1.0b

  1. Means of each soil parameter followed by the same letter along each column do not differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05