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Table 1 Physicochemical properties and enzyme activities of CC and CK soils

From: Effects of continuous cropping of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. on soil physicochemical properties, enzyme activities, microbial communities and functional genes





7.630 ± 0.012

7.080 ± 0.021***

Total N (g kg−1)

1.086 ± 0.009

1.157 ± 0.009

Available N (mg kg−1)

22.167 ± 1.65

28.00 ± 0.000*

Organic C (g kg−1)

4.199 ± 0.019

4.873 ± 0.007

Total P (g kg−1)

0.381 ± 0.001

0.356 ± 0.007*

Available P (mg kg−1)

32.500 ± 0.500

72.133 ± 1.050***

Total K (g kg−1)

2.792 ± 0.062

3.423 ± 0.113**

Available K (mg kg−1)

94.333 ± 1.427

184.000 ± 1.414***

TPA (μg g−1)

34.900 ± 0.000

51.368 ± 0.751**

Ure (μg (g h)−1)

24.528 ± 0.739

3.656 ± 0.508***

CAT (mg (g 20 min)−1)

0.382 ± 0.013

0.361 ± 0.014***

PPO (μg (g h)−1)

103.733 ± 4.745

55.289 ± 1.663**

Suc (mg (g d)−1)

4.127 ± 0.189

2.657 ± 0.046**

  1. CC continuous cropping, CK control check, Ure urease, CAT catalase, PPO polyphenol oxidase, Suc sucrose, TPA total phenolic acid
  2. Asterisks in the same row indicate significant difference test by Student’s t-test (“*”, p < 0.05; “**”, p < 0.01; “***”, p < 0.001)