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Table 2 Summary of anaerobic digestion and aerobic composting as two of the main OFMSW treatment operations

From: The treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) as a possible source of micro- and nano-plastics and bioplastics in agroecosystems: a review



Effects of plastics

Effects of bioplastics


Anaerobic Digestion

Dry matter content of the substrate (dry, wet and semi-dry digestion)

Average temperature and fermentation process (psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic processes)

Loading system for substrate (continuous or batch)

Number of reactors (one-stage or multi-stage technologies)

Type of reactors (vertical, horizontal, mixing technology)

Increased surface area of plastics led to greater reduction in biogas yields

Accumulation at the liquid surface of the digester

Stretch out the process

Clog the pumps

Wrap around stirrers

Lowering of sewage sludge quality due to the presence of MPs

Reduced contact of microbes and food waste

Release of plasticizers, stabilizers, and flame retardants in sludge

Plasticizers negatively affect hydrolysis, acidification, and methanogenesis

Modification of microbial communities involved

Decrease in biogas yields

Stretch out the process

Clog the pumps

Wrap around stirrers

Lowering of sewage sludge quality due to the presence of MBPs

Modification of microbial communities involved

[55, 102, 103, 155,156,157,158,159]


Feedstock properties (moisture content, C/N ratio, density)

pH value


Aeration/oxygen supply

CO2 production

Odor generation

Lowering of compost quality due to the presence of MPs

Need for sieving, manual sorting or magnetic separation before or after composting

Modification of microbial communities involved

Lowering of compost quality due to the presence of MPs

Need for sieving, manual sorting or magnetic separation before or after composting

Modification of microbial communities involved

[103, 159, 160]