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Fig. 5 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 5

From: Molecular characteristics of humic substances from different origins and their effects on growth and metabolism of Pinus laricio callus

Fig. 5

Phenol content and catalase (CAT nmol min−1 mg−1 protein) activity, in Pinus laricio callus grown for 28 days on MS medium with hormones, or different concentrations (0.5, 1, 2.0 mg.L−1) of humic or fulvic acids from different source. Bars represent standard errors (mean ± SD). A = Control (callus on MS medium); B = hormones (2,4-D + 6-BAP); C = HA-C from Leonardite; D = HA-D from oak forest soil; E = HA-E from compost after 150 d maturation; F = HA-F from treated Lignite; G = HA-G from compost after 30 d maturation; H = HA-H from an oxidized coal; I = HA-I from fir and beech forest soil; L = HA-L from peat; M = HA-M from vermicompost; N = HA-N from a Lignite; O = FA-O from a loamy agricultural soil; P = FA-P a sandy loam agricultural soil; Q = FA-Q from a volcanic forest soil

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