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Fig. 7 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 7

From: Molecular characteristics of humic substances from different origins and their effects on growth and metabolism of Pinus laricio callus

Fig. 7

Changes in Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and Phosphoenoly Pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities, in Pinus laricio callus grown for 28 days on MS medium with hormones, or different concentrations (0.5, 1, 2.0 mg.L−1) of humic or fulvic acids from different sources. Bars represent standard errors (mean ± SD). A = Control (callus on MS medium); B = hormones (2,4-D + 6-BAP);; C = HA-C from Leonardite; D = HA-D from oak forest soil; E = HA-E from compost after 150 d maturation; F = HA-F from treated Lignite; G = HA-G from compost after 30 d maturation; H = HA-H from an oxidized coal; I = HA-I from fir and beech forest soil; L = HA-L from peat; M = HA-M from vermicompost; N = HA-N from a Lignite; O = FA-O from a loamy agricultural soil; P = FA-P a sandy loam agricultural soil; Q = FA-Q from a volcanic forest soil

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