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Table 2 The lethal time response (± SE) and inhibition of F1 progeny emergence (± SE) of C. chinensis to plant-fume derived from four different plant leaves

From: Effect of high-temperature extracted plant material fume against southern cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) as a non-chemical novel fumigation technique

Plant species

LT50 (± SE) (h)

LT99 (± SE) (h)

Percent progeny inhibition (± SE%)

Lantana camara

7.30 (± 0.57)a

37.60 (± 0.83)a

98.37 (± 0.45)a

Ocimum sanctum

9.41 (± 0.46)b

52.87 (± 1.1)b

93.13 (± 1.1)b

Azadirachta indica

14.74 (± 0.42)c

58.41 (± 2.1)c

97.00 (± 0.41)a

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

20.60 (± 0.70)d

61.23 (± 2.52)c

87.04 (± 1.6)c

  1. Means in a column followed by the same letters are not significantly different (P > 0.05) by LSD