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Table 3 Cohesiveness, compressibility, repose angle, tapped density, and solubility index of barberry juice powders encapsulated in different maltodextrin levels

From: Physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of barberry juice powder and its effervescent tablets


Hausner ratio (HR)

Carr index (CI)

Repose angle (°)

Bulk density (−1)

Tapped density (−1)

Solubility of powder (%)

10 M

1.23 ± 0.00a

12.50 ± 0.27b

0.25 ± 0.01b

0.32 ± 0.01a

0.39 ± 0.02a

92.65 ± 1.31b

13 M

1.14 ± 0.08a

14.19 ± 1.21a

0.25 ± 0.00b

0.31 ± 0.03a

0.36 ± 0.01b

96.39 ± 2.42a

16 M

1.22 ± 0.07a

14.06 ± 0.75a

0.31 ± 0.02a

0.29 ± 0.02a

0.35 ± 0.01b

97.99 ± 3.03a

  1. Different letters of each column show a significant difference at the level of p ≤ 0.05