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Table 2 Chemical composition and microbial community of wilted unfermented materials prior to ensiling

From: Characteristics of Lactobacillus plantarum QZW5 and its effects on wheat silage under multigelation




6.57 ± 0.17

Moisture (% FM)

63.24 ± 0.28

Dry matter (% FM)

36.76 ± 0.28

Crude protein (% DM)

8.65 ± 0.12

Crude fat (% DM)

12.51 ± 0.75

NDF (% DM)

60.18 ± 2.21

ADF (% DM)

34.12 ± 1.55

Crude ash (% DM)

7.33 ± 0.64

Organic acid (mg/g DM)

Lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid


Viable microbiological counts (log CFU/g FM)

 Lactic acid bacteria

1.89 ± 0.47

 E. coli

2.15 ± 0.19

 F. fungi

2.00 ± 0.65

 Aerobic bacteria

3.57 ± 0.52

 S. marcescens, S. cerevisiae, B. subtilis


  1. nd not detected, DM dry matter of wilted unfermented materials before inoculating