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Fig. 4 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 4

From: Metabolite profiles and antibacterial and antioxidant activities of leaf extracts of five Lonicera species: a comparative study

Fig. 4

Correlation analysis between the DMs and the DPPH, ABTS, and RPA values, and the antibacterial activity against ten pathogenic bacteria. The right panel shows the names of the classified DMs, and the bottom indicates DPPH, ABTS, RPA values and the antibacterial activity against ten pathogenic bacteria. Each grid represents the correlation between the two attributes, and the different colors represent the sizes of correlation coefficients between the attributes. The correlation coefficient was calculated by Pearson correlation (t test), with * indicating P < 0.05, ** indicating P < 0.01, and *** indicating P < 0.001

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