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Fig. 6 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 6

From: Legume-potato rotation affects soil physicochemical properties, enzyme activity, and rhizosphere metabolism in continuous potato cropping

Fig. 6

Identification and analysis of differential metabolites. A and B are up- and down-regulated differential volcano plots of T1vsCK and T2vsCK differential metabolites, respectively. C and D are the T1vsCK and T2vsCK differential metabolite cluster analysis and VIP worth score plots (Top30), respectively. On the left side is the plot of differential metabolite cluster analysis, and the color indicates the size of the relative expression of that metabolite in that group of samples. On the right side is the VIP bar graph of differential metabolites. Bar lengths indicate the contribution of that metabolite to the difference between the two groups, and values indicate the mean ± standard deviation of six individual tests. * Represents p  ≤ 0.05, ** represents p  ≤ 0.01, and *** represents p  ≤ 0.001. E and F represent classification maps for T1vsCK and T2vsCK differential metabolites, respectively. CK, potato-potato-potato-potato-potato; T1, potato-potato-potato-pea-potato; T2, potato-potato-potato-faba bean-potato

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