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Fig. 6 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Fig. 6

From: Comprehensive transcriptomics and metabolomics revealed the antifungal mechanism of Cymbopogon citratus essential oil nanoemulsion against Fusarium solani

Fig. 6

Transcriptome combined analysis with metabolome. A CK vs. NEO; B CK vs. TEO. The abscissa represents the enrichment factor (Diff/Background) of the pathway in different omics, and the ordinate represents the KEGG pathway name; the gradient of red–yellow–green represents the significant degree of enrichment from high–medium–low, expressed by P value; the shape of the bubble represents different omics, the circle is the gene, and the triangle is the metabolite; the size of bubbles represents the number of differential metabolites or genes. The larger the number is, the larger the point. All treatments were consistent with the above

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